What is a "Wild QuickSilver" ?
A "Wild QuickSilver" is one that has been seen online or reported by a fan that has not been positively identified with it's production number. As there is no correlation between the VIN and the production number, and no factory records are known to exist any longer, these cars are "Wild" until positively identified by both VIN and Production Number.
Click on a heading for each car to see details and photos on that specific car (where available).
Click on a heading for each car to see details and photos on that specific car (where available).
Sold at the Mecum Auction in Kissimee, Florida in January 2024 - do you know this car? Contact us!
1G2PF3797GP281576 - Largo, Florida
1G2PF3797GP281576 spent time in Tempe, Arizona from 1993-1998 and was noted as red in color at the Barrett-Jackson Scottsdale Classic Car Auction in 2000. From Arizona it appears to have gone to Fort Lauderdale, Florida and was most recently registered in December 2019 in Largo, Florida - do you know this car? Contact us!
1G2PF3790GP217847 - Austin, Texas
1G2PF3790GP217847 was in Cheyenne, Wyoming in mid-1990s and then was in Corpus Christi, Texas for many years after appearing at the Barrett-Jackson Scottsdale Classic Car Auction in 2000. Noted then as black in color, it was most recently registered in August 2023 in Austin, Texas - do you know this car? Contact us!
1G2PF1190HP222156 - Rancho Park, California
Likely the most photographed "wild" QuickSilver in existence! Mentioned on Curbside Classics, Opposite Lock and other websites. We tried to reach out to the owner of this car with no response - do you know this car? Contact us!
In Florida from at least 1991 - 2012, it ended up in New York state most recently. Shown as having a salvage title in 2016 - one old "for sale" listing says due to a small engine fire. Do you know this car? Contact us!
Sold by Vicari Auctions at their 2016 New Orleans event, this car exhibits some traits that may mean it is a very early example - no hood ornament, unique placement of fender logos and absence of emblems on the trunk. It also does not appear to have a production plate fitted to the driver's door jamb. Do you know this car? Contact us!
VIN: 1G2PF3797GP281545
No longer a "wild Zimmer" - special thanks to the current owner who was able to provide photos positively identifying this car as QuickSilver #7108.
No longer a "wild Zimmer" - special thanks to the staff at the museum who were able to provide photos positively identifying this car as QuickSilver #7097.
The now-closed Victory Cars in Florida sold a couple QuickSilvers over the years they were in operation along with a fair number of Golden Spirits. Do you know this car? Contact us!
The now-closed Victory Cars in Florida sold a couple QuickSilvers over the years they were in operation along with a fair number of Golden Spirits. Do you know this car? Contact us!
VIN: Unknown
No longer a "wild Zimmer" - special thanks to the owner of this car who provided photos positively identifying this car as QuickSilver #7093.